Being an artist often means seeing our world a little differently than others do. I love the play of sunlight and shadow as well as reflective light in metals and glass. I hope to convery to the viewer the simple beauty that is all around us. I graduated from the School of the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, MA, where I studied with Sante Graziani and Leon Hovsepian. I concentrated on drawing still lifes and life study in charcoal, silverpoint, graphite, and colored pencil. Over the years, I have studied with notable pastel artists Christine Ivers, Claudia Seymour, Frank Federico, Ray Hassard, Doug Dawson, Jean Rosier Smith and Susan Ogilvie. In 2013 I became a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America in New York. I am also a Signature Member of the Connecticut Pastel Society, an elected member of the Academic Artists Association, and a member of Women Artists Collective. I have won numerous awards and exhibited in such shows as: Academic Artists Association, CT Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, CT Connecticut Pastel Society Renaissance Exhibit, CT Connecticut Women Artists, CT Pastel Society of America Annual Exhibit, NY Pastel Painters of Maine Annual Exhibit, ME Salmagundi Club Annual Open Exhibition, NY Richeson 75 Pastels International Exhibition, WI |